一直都是Not verified,兩天了都 錢也充值了:Q:Q 后台可以发个ticket 的回复的很快的 这两天周末吧 We would just like to tell you that the information you have provided us in your admin panel will be used for generating invoices when you fund your account and amendments to these invoices can not be made afterwards. Could you confirm therefore that what you have provided us is your actual billing/office address?
Also we are interested to know if you were recommended by an existing ExoClick client and if you could tell us some information about them e.g. their name/email address?
We look forward to receiving your reply and thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards, 这是要我提供什么呢? 求购 Exoclick 已通过验证,跑过的老号。
QQ:1287856182 谁都不舍得卖的,一个号来之不易啊 求购 Exoclick 已通过验证,跑过的老号。
QQ:1287856182 ,可代价私信