请教各位如何申请adsimilis这个联盟 收款图也发了就是不让过。谁可以帮帮我 我出点钱都成 0 0 不让过的理由? 路在何方 发表于 2015-1-9 20:08不让过的理由?
Adsimilis has chosen to deny your application to participate in the Adsimilis Affiliate Program.
Unfortunately we do not feel your site complements our offers. 直接联系AM 多申请几次 直接联系那个co-founder 需要推荐人的。如果你是正规做的,我帮你做推荐人吧。私信我 联系Saen Let me know if you need any help, contact me at joanieschneider.dqna joansylvia 发表于 2015-5-22 00:59
Let me know if you need any help, contact me at joanieschneider.dqna
同样申请遇到了问题,求助AM大美女! @tf1000w please put N/A under SSN because that only applies to US applicants.