Millionaire Network 倒闭了。。。
一直吹嘘的很NB 的 所谓 Millionaire Network。。。没想到也倒闭了。。。这家吹NB 吹的十分厉害。。。To Our Publishers,
We regret to inform you that as of this morning, for financial circumstances beyond our control, Millionaire Network, LLC has closed its business.We are in the process of pausing all advertiser campaigns and hope to have them all paused by the end of the day today.The company will be winding up its affairs as quickly as it can and will liquidate its assets and distribute the proceeds to our creditors on a pro rata basis thereafter.
We truly regret that these actions are necessary and we deeply appreciate your business.We wish you all continued success in your future endeavors.
Parker, Wiz and Dean
当初第一次看到这个联盟的时候感觉很牛b的样子,没想到也有今天啊。 这家不是top10 吗 我日这都倒闭:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy: {:soso_e139:} 白龙君 发表于 2014-9-4 10:40
绝世高手。。。卢小鱼 河小马 发表于 2014-9-4 10:59
:lol 你也看了啊。。。蛮搞笑的 河小马 发表于 2014-9-4 10:59
卢正雨是从屌丝自拍,模仿周星驰电影到现在加盟周星驰的一个非常成功的案例.. 倒闭了就成吹牛了 没办法 又倒闭了一个啊 不好弄啦 呵呵
不好做害死市场不好??? 太可怕了。经常倒闭。。 这也可以,人和人之间基本的信任都哪里去了,说倒闭就倒闭,说包夜就包夜。说带走就带走。 吹跟包装一样是这个行业的特性