why does your site always have Porn Popups when my son age 10 keeps complaining when he visit the site.your website are giving my kid and his friend bad educations.
here is a warning, if my son ever complains to me about porn popping up again on his monitor screen. I will not hesitate to file a legal case on your website. if you are using 科学上网 or tunneling,to hide your locations. you are wrong, law enforcement here can crack you down and arrest you for leading kids to mishap and misdirection on unwanted scenes with out their parents prior consent.
oh don't give me BS about if this site is use as needed, and I have the rights to block from my own console as parental guidance. it is simple enough already you the provider need to stop Porn in first place.
newcb 发表于 2014-6-23 11:13
我回复: 1,安装adblock. 2, 让你儿子滚开我网站. 3, 让你的律师告我去吧。 那就屏蔽大人广告呗 楼主小心哦,不管你藏的多深,告你没商量:lol 这个小孩这么正直,还给父母抱怨
如果是天朝的小孩肯定不给父母说,然后悄悄的猛点{:soso__4607844064215092132_3:} 啥网站?给小孩看的还弹大人广告? 哆哆 发表于 2014-6-23 09:24
如果是天朝的小孩肯定不给父母说,然后悄悄的猛点{:soso__460784406421509 ...
什么样的家长有什么样的小孩。 一看就是假的 flyingdog 发表于 2014-6-23 09:52
恕不能苟同 当心被告啊,麻烦大了。 不知道实际情况,只看邮件内容,没觉得什么奇葩的。 是在威胁你额 呵呵:o 老外很认真,人家说的对,毕竟下一代的教育重要啊 红孩儿 发表于 2014-6-23 13:00
是的,如果客气的和我说,我肯定会让联盟屏蔽那些大人广告。但这家伙直接上来威胁我。我DMCA 通知有时都不鸟,我鸟这玩意。 哈哈哈哈哈 逗死我了。。