阿威 发表于 2014-5-29 18:37:32

[$97.00 USD FaceBook Viral Script 2014] SILENTLY Likes, Shares, Sends Message...

本帖最后由 阿威 于 2014-5-29 18:44 编辑

This script can push an insane amount of traffic to anywhere you want by making virtually anything you want go viral on facebook.

It SILENTLY Likes, Shares, Sends Messages, Gives App Permissions and More, by Using A Secret Loophole.

How It Works

This script essentially posts 4 different things, all of which can be configured individually:

• A wall post to as many friends as you set it to
• A Like of a URL
• A "short term" wall post message and URL
• A "long term" wall post message and URL

"short term" refers to things that either happen immediately or within 1-60 minutes and "long term" refers to things that happen within 1-60 days.

That's Not All..Not Even Close!

The Demographic information of each target user who installs your extension will be saved to an excel file for download later.

This information will include: FB User ID, First Name, Last Name, Email, Birthday, Age, FB Username, Gender, Location, 10 of their interests and 10 things they have liked.

It will also send a friend request from the targets FB account to any account of your choosing.

A message (that you've written, in spintax format) and URL of your choosing will be posted to as many friends walls as you set it to. Each message will address each friend by name automatically, and each message will be "spun".

These messages will not be posted using an app, but rather will appear as coming directly from the friend...it will be as if the target had manually gone to all (or however many) friends FB pages and written the message themselves.

Each friend will receive an email notification automatically of this message that's been posted to their FB page, and this message will appear in the newsfeed of each of the friends. The target will not know this is happening or that it has happened.

In 1-60 minutes, a URL of your choosing will be liked by the target using somebody else's application.

This will appear in the newsfeed of all of the targets friends, but NOT on the wall of the target, so again, they won't know this has happened because they won't "see it" on their wall.

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In 1-60 minutes, a URL and message of your choosing will be "shared" by the target using somebody else's application.

This will appear in the newsfeed of all of their friends and WILL appear on the targets wall (publicly) for all to see.

In 1-60 DAYS, a URL and message of your choosing will be "shared" by the target using an app that YOU have created on facebook.

You have complete control over all of this on your server in an easy to setup and configure settings file.

This can all be changed on the fly and has nothing to do with the targets PC.

Everything Is Explained In Detail and Full Video Tutorials Are Included to Get You Up And Going Fast.

Start driving massive traffic and make some real money online. You can absolutely dominate any niche with this script.

Salespage : https://marketplace.digitalpoint.com/facebook-viral-traffic-script.2143/item

旧时光 发表于 2014-5-29 19:09:57

his script can push an insane amount of traffic to anywhere you want by making virtually anything you want go viral on facebook.

米客小D 发表于 2014-5-29 19:33:44


小马哥 发表于 2014-5-29 23:49:24

米客小D 发表于 2014-5-29 19:33


新人 发表于 2014-5-30 06:22:34

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