七姐 发表于 2014-4-11 17:37:00

优化手机app广告10tips - 10 Ways to Get More From Mobile App Install ads

FB广告 专注于创意素材制作,会事半功倍。1. 每个系列广告,只用一条广告针对FB广告投放策略而来,如果一个系列广告包含N条广告,只会有5条轮换run。 此方法略弱智,但是简单易行。2. 每个系列广告,只投放一种设备Android vs. iPhone ,phone vs. pad,各种组合测试投放。3. 人多好办事4. wifi 可以单建个系列5. 现在广告pic尺寸已经更大了 1200*6276. 添加phone或者pad的素材 7. 添加真人素材8. 添加text,使图片具有号召性,添加“Free App Download” 、立即下载的按钮9. 每两周更换广告 (image + text)10.竞价方式,使用oCPM
Many of these tips speak to the creative itself, specifically the image you pair with your message. Facebook is largely a platform for sharing and viewing photos, so it makes sense to spend time designing effective images for your ads.1. One ad per campaign. This is Facebook 101, really, but it never hurts to hear a reminder. Facebook’s ad rotation algorithm takes more liberties than you probably want, leaving you with high-CTR ads that may convert poorly. A better solution is to create one ad per campaign and use conversions as your measuring stick. (Facebook cannot “favor” one ad over another if the ads are in separate campaigns.)
2. One device per ad (per campaign). Piggybacking on #1, if we are targeting Android and iPhone users, it is best to test devices individually rather than mix devices together. After all, Android vs. iPhone performance will vary. So, for each device we would want a separate ad and, thus, a separate campaign.
3. Target broadly. Don’t target too narrowly when starting out with mobile install ads. It is best to drive installs at scale, which means at least 500,000+ people per ad.
4. Target Wi-Fi when necessary. If your app is over 50mb in size, your customer will only be able to download it over Wi-Fi. Sure, they can use your app anytime once it has been installed, but they won’t be able to install it unless they’re on Wi-Fi. Why waste clicks on folks who can’t install your app in the first place?
5. 600×360 is BIG for banner ads – use it. In the word of banners, Facebook’s mobile app install ad unit is rather large at 600×360 px. Take advantage of this and strut your creative stuff. Remember, these ad units will appear on your mobile newsfeed right where photos of people are your main competition! The slick Instagram filters work great for grabbing attention, and Path also has nice filters (as does Photoshop, of course).
6. Use “phone in hand” images. We are selling mobile apps, so when possible use an image of a mobile device with your app’s screenshot on it. You may need to add the screenshot later as a layer in Photoshop – again, be creative.
7. Use people. Attractive ones. Face it, real people always help to sell a concept or product. If you’re going after women age 23-35, design your creative for them. You don’t have to use an expensive photographer; just do your best to capture an emotion with the people in your images. The image below came from Veer and cost me just 2 credits.
8. Place text in your image. Facebook has a rule about this: no more than 20% of an image may be comprised of text. Use text to your advantage and overlay a call to action or a brand name or a tagline. You may not want to say “Download now” because Facebook incorporates “Install now” at the bottom of the ad unit. Having said that, my screenshot below is an example of some text (“Free App Download”) that reiterates the action. Effective? You can be the judge.
9. Refresh creative. To stay relevant with your target audience, it is best to refresh your creative (image + text) every 2 weeks.10. Use oCPM. Things are changing rather quickly in the land of Facebook advertising, and at the time of this writing the default setting for mobile app install optimization is to get the most installs possible given your targeting.For most advertisers, this will be enough, but for those of us who need more flexibility and prefer to use a management platform, there are more available options. For example, you can assign relative values across 4 possible outcomes – actions, clicks, impressions, and reach – where all values add up to 100%. Below is another screenshot from Optimal.

河小马 发表于 2014-4-11 22:10:11

fb 现在是越来越好玩了。。

yhwebcn 发表于 2014-4-12 10:25:15


七姐 发表于 2014-4-16 13:29:02

河小马 发表于 2014-4-11 22:10
fb 现在是越来越好玩了。。

{:3_48:}谢谢大叔 给偶的帖扒回来了~

Burning 发表于 2014-4-21 23:13:24

七姐你知道的太多了! 你也参加Facebook总部的培训了?

七姐 发表于 2014-4-22 13:59:48

本帖最后由 七姐 于 2014-12-18 17:48 编辑

Burning 发表于 2014-4-21 23:13
七姐你知道的太多了! 你也参加Facebook总部的培训了?

gafseeker 发表于 2014-5-4 15:19:09

图片营销 很有用

memkey 发表于 2015-5-25 23:30:53

@马克思 优化手机app广告10tips
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