You don’t want to pin ONLY your items to a board. That’s just spammy. We DO want to build boards that are interesting and useful even if the visitor to our board never buys anything. I’ve always found that success comes much easier if I think of the visitor first and myself second.1. Create your board
2. Search Pinterest for 3-5 items to add to the board
3. Pin your first review post to the board
4. Pin 3-5 items from outside of Pinterest to the board
5. Pin your second review post to the board
6. Pin 3-5 items from outside Pinterest to the board
7. Pin your third review post to the board
8. Pin 3-5 items from outside Pinterest to the board
9. Pin your fourth review post to the board
10. Pin 3-5 items from outside Pinterest to the board
11. Pin your fifth review post to the board社交站讲求的是互动和分享,很多站长一个号全部发自己站的信息或者直接插件同步,所以被封号什么的也是正常的。玩社交站应该和SEO操作是一样的态度,社交站把号养大了就如Email一样,照样持久收割流量。
正在播种中:lol。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 路漫漫其修远兮... 感觉 dxszzcylm 一直在玩pinterest 可以考虑做几个小站,小站的图拿过来 楼主,你有没有发现pin过的页面google排名有没有上升? "收割流量", 经典!