本帖最后由 useejack 于 2014-2-5 22:19 编辑namecheap 域名转移节每年的2月5号美国东部时间(11am EST),北京时间2月6号全天(仅此一天,域名转移数量不限)
namecheap .com, .net, .biz, .org, .info域名转移$3.98美金/年
要的话请看签名链接 On MoveYourDomain Day 2014, you can transfer your .com, .net, .biz, .org or .info domain for only $3.98, and shared/business/reseller hosting packages will be available at 75% off. Simply use the coupon NCMYDD to transfer your domains and HOSTWITHNC on your hosting deal. We'll donate $0.50 to $1.50 per transaction to the Electronic Frontier Foundation in support of digital freedom 本帖最后由 mj23zyb 于 2014-2-5 17:56 编辑
明明是官方活动,居然说什么特殊渠道,楼主不厚道哦! 还“因为是特殊渠道”:lol过年了,敞亮一点,更多人愿意用你的链接 过期了:L