alals2010 发表于 2013-12-22 03:27:27

真心求助,版主勿删了!谢谢! AMAZON邮件求助!

版主我是做亚马逊的新手,今天收到一封邮件,想让有经验的前辈给我指点一二,请别再删除了,谢谢您!如果有什么冒犯版规的地方,请通知我! 谢谢!

We need to ensure that we have your current contact information on file so you receive any applicable IRS 2013 tax reporting form(s). Please verify that the contact information located in Associates Central is correct.

If this information is incorrect, the primary contact can make the appropriate changes online through Associates Central. You can log in to Associates Central ( and click "Account Settings" to access the option to "Change your contact information."

Please note, Associates whose account addresses are located outside the U.S. won't receive a tax form.


Amazon Associates Program

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