cnpabi 发表于 2013-12-8 19:55:22

Just come to say hi and Share a post just read - Profit Campaign Blueprint

本帖最后由 cnpabi 于 2013-12-8 19:57 编辑

Hi guys,

This is a great place for Learning Mobie Marketing knowledge, I spent a lot time to read recently, coz I am a noob, totally noob, absolutely noob. I am pretty sure there are a lot "daniu" here who are making $1000000,0000000 per day or much more, and some are losing money now. Also some guys are just reading and ready to take actions. Thats good!

I found a great blog today, so I will share it with you guys, here is the link: Ngo’s 10 Step Blueprint For a Profitable Campaign
I think for noobs, it helps.

This blogger also wrote his own Internet Marketing stroy. Its good. here is the link: The Rise of Ngo: Chapter 1

Hope you guys enjoy.

Take care and Lets Rock!!!

flyingdog 发表于 2013-12-8 20:03:22

这货是真洋鬼子还是假洋鬼子? 中文版块非得来个英文帖子干啥,此论坛英文牛B的应该大有人在。。:lol
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