河小马 发表于 2013-11-30 10:19:52

Singlehop 30% off

作为一个singlehop 2年的老客户。。我对singlehop 的network 表示十分喜爱。。。2 年了。。没有出过一点问题


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Why SingleHop?
We offer the industry's best on-demand infrastructure platform. And we're built with service providers in mind.
SingleHop's Bill of Rights SLA
White-label everything via Tandem reseller program
LEAP3 Customer Portal with Mobile Access
Native Hybrid Capability - Bare metal, cloud or both. One provider.
Global Data Center Availability
Just-in-Time Automated Deployment
Dynamic Servers include Virtualization Layer

dxszzcylm 发表于 2013-11-30 10:25:05

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