河小马 发表于 2013-11-9 09:15:14

Instant Check Mate - Case Study

这个来自于一个 Neverblue 的 AM, 提供了一些思路

也许是因为文化的诧异,国内的人不明白这种offer 怎么推广

When a parent provides input on their daughter moving out, wouldn’t they want to know how to have her avoid dense areas of sex offenders
Choosing neighborhoods to move to where a family is just starting out, avoid pedophiles and live worry-free
Online dating, before they take it to the next step and meet face to face, why not run a check to see if they are everything they say they are

Not only can users search for criminals in these groups, they can also use itfor gathering demographic and census data to help weigh options when planning to move to different areas within the US.

Take the reverse of this approach, target audiences who might think they have records, and want to find out what’s been made public – 50% of users actually end up searching themselves!


对于流量来源,PPV 和 in-text, 还有email 是比较简单的。。。display 可能就会需要一定的分析 和target 了

尤其是在PPV 上,各种欺骗性的LP,可以获得很高的转换率。。。

从我这边的experience 来看, instant check mate 确实是一个比较稳定的offer, 和 credit report 的offer 有一拼了

最近可能是广告商在搞年末突击。。各家network 都在搞这个offer 的 promotion

知行合一 发表于 2013-11-9 09:53:48


flyer2012 发表于 2013-11-9 10:35:17

这家的这些offer都是 private apply, new afifiliate 申请,难以答复啊。

sohorich 发表于 2013-11-9 11:19:30


JeffWang 发表于 2013-11-9 11:20:33

这个offer在我这里转换 不如CR的好
而且是很差 还不如tv product

罗曼蒂克 发表于 2013-11-9 13:32:41


罗曼蒂克 发表于 2013-11-9 13:33:55

credit report还有吗,我看几个联盟都没发现

河小马 发表于 2013-11-9 22:03:22

罗曼蒂克 发表于 2013-11-9 13:33 static/image/common/back.gif
credit report还有吗,我看几个联盟都没发现

一直很hot 的。。转化率稳定的很。。

Smythe_Bob 发表于 2014-9-14 22:47:00

请问 那些角度 用PPV应该怎么target到呢?
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