evilgu 发表于 2022-3-4 11:43:16

这是有人想买我的站, 还是钓鱼?

To whom it may concern,
I represent a private buyer within the online Mergers and Acquisitions space who is interested in acquiring (www.xxxxx.com).This means we have an investor that is looking to acquire your site in the range of 30-55x your monthly net revenue (depending on your site history). We, as Investors Club, handle all of the prep-work, legal documentation, transition, everything. Would you be willing to have a conversation about selling?You can learn more about what we do for our sellers by clicking here: https://investors.club/sell-your-website/.If you need more details or would like to chat more about what the process looks like, please email me or check out who we are at https:/investors.club.
All the best,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------网站Ahref基本数据:   DR:5 UR:10    Global volume: 4.5k,   US:1k   Backlink: 800,   Referring domains:150 基本都是自发的论坛外链   Traffic value: $1.2k
收入:   只来自于amazon us的佣金,前几个月(21.11-22.2)分别是:15刀,35刀,80刀,130刀.   网站是去年9月份开始做的,一个best关键字(volume 2500,KD 20) 上个月排到了3-7名
1. 上面这个邮件可信吗,有人通过这个网站交易过吗?看邮件地址是私人的gmail邮箱发送的。2. 如果要卖,这个网站能卖多少钱? 大佬们给点意见。

adscn 发表于 2022-3-4 13:07:51


waitingnow 发表于 2022-3-4 17:04:22


河小马 发表于 2022-3-4 18:18:40


以前我们交易网站,都是通过escrow 之类的

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查看完整版本: 这是有人想买我的站, 还是钓鱼?