本帖最后由 evilgu 于 2021-10-26 11:19 编辑突然两台搬瓦工的vps主机网站同时登陆不上,ping ip也不通怎么回事?宝塔面板也登陆不上,有人出现类似情况吗?搬瓦工出故障了吗?
500 Internal Server Error
现在恢复了应该 河小马 发表于 2021-10-26 11:52
陆续恢复了 本帖最后由 朝阳风雨 于 2021-10-26 12:31 编辑
At 19:57 PST we have committed a change to our global network configuration to address a specific minor issue. The change was a simple one and was designed to affect a very specific scenario affecting just a handful of clients on our platform.After being deployed, this change caused our network infrastructure to begin dropping packets to most destinations.At 20:11 PST we have developed a fixAt 20:21 PST the fix has been deployedAt 20:24 PST we have noticed some clients on node v6217 were still affected.At 20:30 PST fix was deployed for node v6217, client network connectivity on this node has been restored.We are observing our network.20:52 PST we have confirmed the issue has been fully resolved.